Monday, 28 January 2013

Research - Mood Board + Pitch

Now that we have chosen our music video, we now need to start looking at a variety of ideas, here I have made a mood board therefore I can just place all my ideas down, then look back over them when I need to. I feel that placing down photographs instead of writing down ideas inspires my ideas to develop.

Some of the images that I have placed down here, I believe could be the start of good ideas that me and my group to use in our music video. 

From looking at this mood board a variety of words come to me such as separation, love, wishes, acoustic these are word I would associate with the music video that we are going to create. 

As a group we have created a pitch to present to our class to explain what we are planning to to with our music video, within this pitch we had to explain why we haad choosen "Hey There Delilah", location shots that we have thought of, explaining why we thought these locations were good for this music video, we also explain that we had to write a formal letter to London Bridge train station if we wished to use it as a location in our music video, showing a variety of mood boards and our sketch that we had all individually completed for our ancillary tasks. We played a clip of the music video "Hey There Delilah" to show where we had got some of our ideas from such as sitting at the window with the rian pouring down. We explained at this point what type of font we wanted and what our logo at this point was going to look like.

From this our teacher would decided whether we were ready to start our music video or whether we need to do some more research into the ideas that we had come up with.

Below I have placed the pitch that we presented to the class and teacher.