As we aren't able to go up to London bridge with a camera and just film we had to send them a letter asking for permission to bring a camera onto the platform. Below is the letter we sent.
Tuesday, 26 February 2013
Planning - Letter to Record Company
Here is the letter that we have written to The Plain WHite T's record company asking for permission to use their record "Hey There Delilah".
At this point I have completed all my relevant research, on the conventions I need to look out for, the gaze theory, the uses and gratification theory, influences and completed the story board for the entire music video. We have also taken our first shots of the main character in the story of the music video.
Our next steps are to write a letter to Hollywood record and a train company asking permission to use the single "Hey There Delilah" and asking to film at a train station for part of out music video. I have completed my sketches for the ancillary tasks and now have a good couple of ideas. Before I start making my ancillary task I am going to annotate a tour date poster and a CD cover front and back. This is to help me, to make sure I have all the relevant information on my ancillary tasks, although I have already done research I feel completing annotations will help me that much more.
W have also got to take photographs on the band members individually and as a band, however this time it is going to be in a studio with proper lighting for the full effect.
Our next steps are to write a letter to Hollywood record and a train company asking permission to use the single "Hey There Delilah" and asking to film at a train station for part of out music video. I have completed my sketches for the ancillary tasks and now have a good couple of ideas. Before I start making my ancillary task I am going to annotate a tour date poster and a CD cover front and back. This is to help me, to make sure I have all the relevant information on my ancillary tasks, although I have already done research I feel completing annotations will help me that much more.
W have also got to take photographs on the band members individually and as a band, however this time it is going to be in a studio with proper lighting for the full effect.
Original First Shots
Below I have placed the first photographs that we took. We took photographs of the two characters with in the story behind the music.
Here we have only taken a few photographs, but from this we can see that we need to take some studio shot with real lighting, as the photographs are quite dull, however I feel that we would be able to incorporate this in with the genre of our song.
However when we next take shots we will be taking them in a studio with proper lighting and a back screen for the full effect.
However when we next take shots we will be taking them in a studio with proper lighting and a back screen for the full effect.
Research - Gaze Theory
The gaze theory relate to both women and men, the gaze theory is used to attract men and women using the characters in music videos, film, soaps and more, however i'm applying the gaze theory to my music video.
Using the gaze theory to attract men you have to have specific features :-
Here is an image of The Wanted they are a well known band and are adored by thousands of woman around the world. Here I have placed an image of them in a suits and below I have placed an image of them in just shorts. These photographs give off two different vibes but both outfits that he is wear is part of the gaze theory as both outfits attracts women. In suites they look professional, smart, well groomed and attractive. Women will watch there music videos just so they can see this band.
Here I have placed an image of The Wanted with some of their muscles out, this will attract women to watch their next video as they may be top less, as the words on their arms and chest are lyrics for the song that is next coming out.
I am now going to show the typical type of woman to attract a man in a film or music video. The woman would have to have good, fit bodies, and a beautiful face.
Here is an image of Kesha a very well known singer/actress, again I will show you Kesha in two different outfits that both still use the gaze theory.
Here I have placed an image of Kesha a well known singer, here she is wearing a dress for a formal occasion, however the dress is tight therefore showing off her curves and has slights at both sides and going down the chest area. Here the gaze theory has been applied as the dress is short, tight and has slits which shows off features that men look for in an attractive woman.
Here is another image of Kesha however this is an image from one of her music video's, gaze theory has been used here, as you can see Kesha is wearing a tight dark colour leotard, this shows of all of her legs, her curves and top half of her chest. Having ripped tights also show off more skin. Wearing a leotard makes the legs look extended therefore benefits her whole look.
If you look closely you can see that her entire body has been waxed up which just helps her stand out more to the audience.
From this research, I have found out that the gaze theory can be used successfully with both men and women as long as you have them in the right type of clothing and colour. You are also able to apply the gaze theory with the characters look both smart in suits and dresses and sexy with tight/ little amount of clothes on. If we apply this to our music video we will successfully be using the gaze theory in the right way appealing to our audience by using appealing character.
Using the gaze theory to attract men you have to have specific features :-
- Women at the right age - if the video is targeted at teenage boys then the girl would have to be of the same age or a couple of years older, whereas if it was targeted at men aged 25 - 40ish the women would have to be in the 25-30ish range. In this case the age range for the woman to be would be of about 16-22ish.
- Good looking, handsome, fit, elegant but with an edgy side to them.
- The clothing that the woman would wear would show of her natural features hips, legs, chest. The clothes would also be tight to show off the woman's curves, with tight clothing the colour black is commonly used. There are two main sides to the clothing side, either wearing clothing that is tight and elegant e.g dress showing off her curves, chest and legs or wearing small tight shorts with a small top.
To attract women goes by the same principles :-
- Right age for the target audience.
- Good looking, attractive, muscly.
Here is an image of The Wanted they are a well known band and are adored by thousands of woman around the world. Here I have placed an image of them in a suits and below I have placed an image of them in just shorts. These photographs give off two different vibes but both outfits that he is wear is part of the gaze theory as both outfits attracts women. In suites they look professional, smart, well groomed and attractive. Women will watch there music videos just so they can see this band.
Here I have placed an image of The Wanted with some of their muscles out, this will attract women to watch their next video as they may be top less, as the words on their arms and chest are lyrics for the song that is next coming out.
I am now going to show the typical type of woman to attract a man in a film or music video. The woman would have to have good, fit bodies, and a beautiful face.
Here is an image of Kesha a very well known singer/actress, again I will show you Kesha in two different outfits that both still use the gaze theory.
Here I have placed an image of Kesha a well known singer, here she is wearing a dress for a formal occasion, however the dress is tight therefore showing off her curves and has slights at both sides and going down the chest area. Here the gaze theory has been applied as the dress is short, tight and has slits which shows off features that men look for in an attractive woman.
If you look closely you can see that her entire body has been waxed up which just helps her stand out more to the audience.
From this research, I have found out that the gaze theory can be used successfully with both men and women as long as you have them in the right type of clothing and colour. You are also able to apply the gaze theory with the characters look both smart in suits and dresses and sexy with tight/ little amount of clothes on. If we apply this to our music video we will successfully be using the gaze theory in the right way appealing to our audience by using appealing character.
Research - Uses and Gratification Theory
Uses and Gratification theory - is a popular approach to understanding mass communication.The theory focuses more on the consumer or audience instead of the actual message itself by asking "what people do with media" rather than "what the media does to people". The theory also holds the audience responsible for choosing media to meet their needs. The approach suggests that the audience use the media to full fill specific gratifications. This theory would then imply that the media competes against other information sources for the viewers gratification.
It suggests that the uses of gratification theory has to full fill the following when we choose a form of media:-
Here I have placed two images , these images set of two very different emotions, the photograph of the couple in the rain will show the audience that this couple are in love but going through hard times, making the viewer feel sad and sorry for the couple, where as the photograph at the bottom will make the audience feel happy in themselves and for the characters, as the audience can see that the couple are happy, the lighting in the photograph is light and colour full this also shows the audience that the couple are happy where as in the photograph where it is raining the lighting is dark and dull show that this is a sad, depressing time.
It suggests that the uses of gratification theory has to full fill the following when we choose a form of media:-
- Personal Identify - being able to recognize the person or product in front of you, role models that reflect similar values to yours.
- Educate - being able to acquire information, knowledge and understanding.
- Entertainment - what you are consuming should give you enjoyment, and also some forms of escapism enabling us to forget about worries temporarily.
- Social Interaction - the ability for media products to produce a topic of conversation between other people, sparks debates. Emotional interaction.
Applying Uses and Gratification Theory to my work
I believe that I can apply the Uses and Gratification Theory to my music video successfully, when trying to gain and target an audience.
Personal Identity
I will apply Personal Identity to our music video by having the characters in the narrative and the band members wearing clothes and make up that represent the genre. The two different styles that we will have to fit the fashion sense into will be Rock and Indie. This fashion style is the styles that attract the target audience that follow the plain white T's. Applying this part of the theory to the music video will allow our audience to appreciate the video in the terms of them seeing themselves as part of the band and social group.
This image shows the type of fashion style that the band and members in the narrative will wear, this fashion sense is also what our fans will wear. This is the same with the hair style/colour and make up sense.
Social Interaction
We will also apply Social Interaction to our music video, showing emotions between the main characters in the narrative will show the story to the audience and reach out to their emotions, if we manage to apply Social Interact successfully we will be able to control how the audience will feel at specific times . To make this as successful as it could possible be we will apply close ups of the characters faces when showing important emotions, flash backs to past memories when times were happy or sad.

Just by changing the lighting and the background where the couple are hugging can give off totally different emotions , this is something that we will use in our music video to control how the audience feels. We will have low lighting in sad times and high, clear lighting in the happy times to clearly state the difference.
During our music we will incorporated entertainment by the use of the narrative. This will give the audience a chance to come on the journey with the characters, feeling the same emotions along the way. Through our music video we will show through our narrative the good and bad times of being in a relationship. The music video will be like a fairy tale to the audience starting off with a happy, good relationship, then in the middle something goes wrong and the relationship turns sour, then by the end the relationship will be happy again, taking the audience on this journey with the characters, letting the audience feel all the emotions the characters are going through.
Applying these sections to our music video will increase audience consumption and the target my specific audience giving them the conventions of an indie/rock genre.
Monday, 11 February 2013
Research - Influences
As a group and individually we have annotated a variety of music videos, starting if from a range of genres, then a range of videos from our specific genre, from this we have written down notes on the different types of camera shots, lighting, fashion sense, location and editing that we have been influenced my and would like to incorporate into our video.
Camera Shots
Throughout watching music video from our specific genre my first influence that I found was a very common style within our genre was closes ups of the singer/s faces during singing, this would only be a close up of less than 2 seconds.Another type of close up that we will try and incorporate into the music video will be close ups of the lead singer and the band from high and low angles especially, as well as over the shoulder shots, long shots and mid shots. A rotational shot was also a common shot, showing the audience the band playing their instruments from all directions, although this is a nice shot of the band this also shows the audience what type of genre the band plays, the audience will be able to see this from the bands clothing style and instruments they play. Specific genres use iconic instruments to show that they are performing to a certain genre.Panning shots of the band whilst playing their instruments is a common convention used throughout our genre/sub genre.
This type of genre/sub genre use low lighting this is a common convention to represent the genre. Having low lighting can be a good benefit some bands such as Linkin Park in there video Burn it down, use low lighting then edit in special effects such as bright lights to catch the audiences attention, and make certain objects such as instruments stand out clearly to the audience.
click on the like below to see the effect that are beneficial from low lighting, Skip to 3:56, through out this video bright flashes are used, however at the end fire is used, this is a more vibrant colour because of the low lighting, a couple of seconds after 3:56 the camera goes to close ups of each band member playing their instruments, the fire catches the audiences attention then an in focus view of the instruments is shown to the audience.
The clothing is one of the most common conventions, the fashion and style sense has to reflect the genre, in this case our band will have to be wear commonly black skinny jeans, leather jacket, shirts, beanie hat this would be appropriate for our music video. Black and dark coloured clothes represents the feeling of the music video.
The image below would be the type of clothing I would use in our music video.
From analyzing a variety of music videos I have noticed that good and common locations used are places such as abandoned ware houses, open space such as parks, busy streets. I have seen these locations used in a variety of music videos, click below on the links to see the music videos that are relate-able :- In this music video the location is in an abandoned ware house. This music videos location is set outside a house and in an abandoned ware house, this shows two separate emotions to the viewer. This videos location is slightly different to the other two music videos, the beginning of the video is set in a park, a big open space this is a vital location to show loneliness. The next location is on the busy streets, this shows everyone just passing by just minding their own business.
One consistent feature I have seen in music videos of our genre is parallel editing. Parallel editing is an effective way of moving on the story at any pace the editor wants, it also shows the emotional side well to the audience.
Everything I have mentioned within editing, location, fashion, camera and lighting I will try and incorporate into the music video that me and my group are creating. Everything I have pointed out will be beneficial within our music video.
Camera Shots
Throughout watching music video from our specific genre my first influence that I found was a very common style within our genre was closes ups of the singer/s faces during singing, this would only be a close up of less than 2 seconds.Another type of close up that we will try and incorporate into the music video will be close ups of the lead singer and the band from high and low angles especially, as well as over the shoulder shots, long shots and mid shots. A rotational shot was also a common shot, showing the audience the band playing their instruments from all directions, although this is a nice shot of the band this also shows the audience what type of genre the band plays, the audience will be able to see this from the bands clothing style and instruments they play. Specific genres use iconic instruments to show that they are performing to a certain genre.Panning shots of the band whilst playing their instruments is a common convention used throughout our genre/sub genre.
This type of genre/sub genre use low lighting this is a common convention to represent the genre. Having low lighting can be a good benefit some bands such as Linkin Park in there video Burn it down, use low lighting then edit in special effects such as bright lights to catch the audiences attention, and make certain objects such as instruments stand out clearly to the audience.
click on the like below to see the effect that are beneficial from low lighting, Skip to 3:56, through out this video bright flashes are used, however at the end fire is used, this is a more vibrant colour because of the low lighting, a couple of seconds after 3:56 the camera goes to close ups of each band member playing their instruments, the fire catches the audiences attention then an in focus view of the instruments is shown to the audience.
The clothing is one of the most common conventions, the fashion and style sense has to reflect the genre, in this case our band will have to be wear commonly black skinny jeans, leather jacket, shirts, beanie hat this would be appropriate for our music video. Black and dark coloured clothes represents the feeling of the music video.
The image below would be the type of clothing I would use in our music video.
From analyzing a variety of music videos I have noticed that good and common locations used are places such as abandoned ware houses, open space such as parks, busy streets. I have seen these locations used in a variety of music videos, click below on the links to see the music videos that are relate-able :- In this music video the location is in an abandoned ware house. This music videos location is set outside a house and in an abandoned ware house, this shows two separate emotions to the viewer. This videos location is slightly different to the other two music videos, the beginning of the video is set in a park, a big open space this is a vital location to show loneliness. The next location is on the busy streets, this shows everyone just passing by just minding their own business.
One consistent feature I have seen in music videos of our genre is parallel editing. Parallel editing is an effective way of moving on the story at any pace the editor wants, it also shows the emotional side well to the audience.
Everything I have mentioned within editing, location, fashion, camera and lighting I will try and incorporate into the music video that me and my group are creating. Everything I have pointed out will be beneficial within our music video.
Planning - Story Boarding - Chorus
These story boards show the chorus. We have linked each scene to a certain section of the lyric, the camera shot/angle will show the location and what is going on in the scene.
Planning - Story Board - Bridge
These story boards sketches are for the bridge. We have linked each scene to a certain section of the lyric, a certain camera shot/angle would be used to show the location and what is going on in the scene.
Planning - Story Board - Verse 2
These story boards plans here have been made for verse 2 of our music video. We have linked each scene to a certain section of the lyric. The camera shot/ angle will show the location and explain whats happening in the scene.
Planning - Story Board - Verse 1
Here is the story board for our first verse in our music video. We have linked each scene to a certain part of the music video such as a certain lyric or phase. The type of camera shot we use will show the location and what is going on in the scene in the best possible way. When we film our music video we will keep these story boards on us to make sure we are going in the right direction with the video.
Planning -Story Board - Intro
Here we have sketched out our sketch board for the various verses for our music video. This is our introduction part of the music video, this scene will only last about 10 seconds or less as here we are only introducing that the song is by the Plain White T's and what they song is called which is Hey There Delilah.
Band & The Song
info about the band and the song on prezi
"Hey There Delilah"
"Hey There Delilah"
Hey there Delilah
What's it like in New York City?
I'm a thousand miles away
But girl, tonight you look so pretty
Yes you do
Times Square can't shine as bright as you
I swear it's true
Hey there Delilah
Don't you worry about the distance
I'm right there if you get lonely
Give this song another listen
Close your eyes
Listen to my voice, it's my disguise
I'm by your side
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
What you do to me
Hey there Delilah
I know times are getting hard
But just believe me, girl
Someday I'll pay the bills with this guitar
We'll have it good
We'll have the life we knew we would
My word is good
Hey there Delilah
I've got so much left to say
If every simple song I wrote to you
Would take your breath away
I'd write it all
Even more in love with me you'd fall
We'd have it all
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
A thousand miles seems pretty far
But they've got planes and trains and cars
I'd walk to you if I had no other way
Our friends would all make fun of us
and we'll just laugh along because we know
That none of them have felt this way
Delilah I can promise you
That by the time we get through
The world will never ever be the same
And you're to blame
Hey there Delilah
You be good and don't you miss me
Two more years and you'll be done with school
And I'll be making history like I do
You'll know it's all because of you
We can do whatever we want to
Hey there Delilah here's to you
This one's for you
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
What you do to me.
Research - The Band & Song Choice
Hey There Delilah - Plain White T's
The chosen Song that we are going to create a music video to and a variety of posters, CD covers, magazines etc is Hey There Delilah by the Plain White T's.
There are many reasons why we decided to choose this song to make a music video, the first being the popularity of the genre/sub genre, the song and the style of the band are incorporated in a variety of genres, this being "Alternate Rock", "Indie" and mainly "Indie/Rock". This will allow our audience to be of a wide range. This will also help increase the popularity of the bands songs as they are appealing to a wider audience.
The second reason being that the type of fashion style this band has attracts a very wide range audience.
Here the band has mainly fringes, reasonably tight dark coloured jeans with rips, this show a rebellious attitude, all of the members of the band are wearing either jean or a leather type jacket, with a dark coloured t-shirt underneath.
The band members except 1 are all looking directly at the audience therefore breaking down the fourth wall between the reader and the band members, this help the reader connect properly with the image.
Although you are unable to see the instruments that this band plays I know that the instruments all fit into this "Indie/Rock" genre.
Me and my group know a lot about "Rock/Indie" genre therefore this genre will be easy for us to style in fashion, accessories and instruments. With the band members the gaze theory will also be applied throughout this project as this is a real easy way to catch the female attention, when making a video with a boy band.
The last reason is that another member of our team are able to play the song "Hey There Delilah" on the guitar, this will be and is a massive advantage when filming the music video, this will make the video look that more realistic.
Below I have placed all of the Plain White T's albums covers back and front, I feel that this will help me when designing my first sketches for my album cover.

These are all the albums from throughout the years, you can see how the front album photograph has changed increasingly, this normally means that the type of music they play would have changed as well wither getting a bit darker or get more cheerfull. Depending on how the band feel as a whole shows through the music that they produce.
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