Monday, 18 March 2013
Developement - Filming at Train Staton London
As we as a group have sketched out all the story boards for each scene and successfully filmed the opening scene of our video we now need to start filming more for our music video, we started with the first verse that is at the train station. Below are some photographs of us filming at London Bridge Train Station.
Developemt - Stop Motion Filming
For our introductory scene the group have decided to use stop motion with scrabble pieces which had letters on them to spell out the title of the song "Hey There Delilah" that we are going to be playing. We felt that it was necessary to get this piece of filming done first. To do this a member of our group Kerian took a hand held camera and placed it on a tri-pod to keep the camera steady.
As a group we had decided that it would look efficient and professional if the scrabble pieces were placed on a clean wooden table. As the colour red is part of the motif we had decided to place a red pen in the shot.
For this scene to take place 66 shots had to be taken to show the full development of nothing being on the table to then these scrabble pieces slowly moving into place spelling out the name of the song "Hey There Delilah" and the name of the band " The Plain White T's"
As a group we had decided that it would look efficient and professional if the scrabble pieces were placed on a clean wooden table. As the colour red is part of the motif we had decided to place a red pen in the shot.
For this scene to take place 66 shots had to be taken to show the full development of nothing being on the table to then these scrabble pieces slowly moving into place spelling out the name of the song "Hey There Delilah" and the name of the band " The Plain White T's"
One issue that Kerian had told us about before he started filming the Stop Motion he told us that there wasn't enough of the letter "H" so we decided to place a blank where every letter "H" was meant to be.
Development - Photoshoot
Now that I have sketched up all my designs for my CD cover, the booklet for my CD and my poster advertisement it is now time to take more and effective photographs of the band together and individual shots of the band members.
Below is all the photogrpah that we took in the studio.
I feel that this image is a really good photograph as it clearly shows the facial expressions of all the band members. Again the female artist has been placed in the middle for the main attention as male viewers want to be with her and female viewers want to be like her. Therefore this is a really effective photograph in my opinion.
This is a fun image that shows the audicne although the band take their music seriously ther are able to muck around and come together. This is a photo pose which reminds me of the seeries "Friends" when everyone is always getting on. In this photograph you are able to see what common connventins the band go by, e.g. the clothes they wear as well as all the band members looking in the camera making eye contact with the viewer.
At the moment from looking at my sketches I have a few rough ideas of how I want the band to pose together and how I want the band members to pose individually. Therefore I will get photographs of them posing like this first then try out any other ideas that come to mind.
I will Now pick out a couple of photographs that I feel will be suitable to use on either of my ancillary tasks.
I feel that this image is suitable for one of the ancillary task as it is an image of all the band members together all looking directly breaking down the fourth wall between the editor and the viewer.
I feel this is effective at the is in height order the tallest being at the end with the female band member being in the middle, grabbing the attention of the male viewers while the rest of the band grab the attention of the female viewers.

This is a good individual band member shot of the lead guitarist playing his guitar, although he isn't looking at the audience the viewers will still appreciate the image as it is a realistic image of him playing the guitar.

I feel that all of these images are suitable for any of the ancilary tasks.
Monday, 11 March 2013
Development - Poster Advertisment
Here I have sketched down three ideas that I feel would be appropriate and effeective for my poster advertisment. I have annotated each design to make sure that every design is understandable.
This is my first sketch for advertising the tour date, here I have sketched all the band memeber standing in a straight line, they will all be facing the audince breaking down the fourth wall between them editior and viewer.
The tour dates will be placed at the bottom of the page, half covering the band memebers feet.
The back ground will be a dark colour most probably black, therefore what ever colour I use for my text will contrast well and stnd out to the audince.
Here I have all the band members standing diagonagly all facing towards the camera, again breaking down the fourth wall.
I have placed all the tour date on the right side of the page.
I have also placed all the well known social networking site on the bottom right side. This is for extra advertisment.
Here i will have the backgorund in a vlack colour and a wripped effect going through the middle of the page with the band memeber standing in the middle of the page . You only be able to see the band members from waist up. The tour dates will be at the bottom of the page and the title at the top of the page. Again i will place the icons for the popular networking site at the bottom of the page.
This is my first sketch for advertising the tour date, here I have sketched all the band memeber standing in a straight line, they will all be facing the audince breaking down the fourth wall between them editior and viewer.
The tour dates will be placed at the bottom of the page, half covering the band memebers feet.
The back ground will be a dark colour most probably black, therefore what ever colour I use for my text will contrast well and stnd out to the audince.
Here I have all the band members standing diagonagly all facing towards the camera, again breaking down the fourth wall.
I have placed all the tour date on the right side of the page.
I have also placed all the well known social networking site on the bottom right side. This is for extra advertisment.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013
Development - CD Sketches
Here I have sketched down three ideas for the front and back of my CD cover. I will slightly annotate every sketch to make sure that what I have sketched is understandable.
Here is my first cd front cover sketch here all the band members are directly facing the camera making eye contact with the viewer breaking down the fourth wall with the viewer. As there is a female in teh band she has been placed in the middle to make the photograph look even.
The background is going to be a dark colour possibly black, with a light shining on the band memebers making them the centre of attention.
The title and sub title will be a colour that is quite bright as it needs to contrast well with the background. The font also needs to be clear, bold and stand out to the audience, but also follow the genre of the band.
Here is the back of the CD cover sketch, here I have placed the band memebers in the exact same place as the front cover but this time all you can see is the back of their heads.
The square that I have drawn on will be where the album's songs will go, I will use the same font as the front cover but at a much smaller size, I will hopefully use the same colour.

Here is my second sketch for the front cover of my CD, in this sketch all the band members are standing in different places all pulling different poses and facial expressions. The background colour will be a dark colour, with a light falling on each band member to make them stand out.
There will be a ripped effect across the CD cover, the title and subtitle will then be placed on the ripped part of the CD cover.
The title and sub title will be a colour that contrasts off the background, in a clear, bold font.
Here is the second sketch for the back cover of the CD, this is a simple design will have one block colour for a background and the ripped effect going across the CD cover, the rest of the songs on teh album will then be placed on the ripped part of the CD.
Here is my third CD cover sketchm, in this design all the band members are standing together looking at the camera, the main singer is holding the guitar. There will be a light facing down toward the camera, making that the main focus of the photograph.
Dark background colour, band members will fade into the background with the guitar being seen the most
Title and sub titile possibly red to contrast well with the background colour.
Here is my first cd front cover sketch here all the band members are directly facing the camera making eye contact with the viewer breaking down the fourth wall with the viewer. As there is a female in teh band she has been placed in the middle to make the photograph look even.
The background is going to be a dark colour possibly black, with a light shining on the band memebers making them the centre of attention.
The title and sub title will be a colour that is quite bright as it needs to contrast well with the background. The font also needs to be clear, bold and stand out to the audience, but also follow the genre of the band.
Here is the back of the CD cover sketch, here I have placed the band memebers in the exact same place as the front cover but this time all you can see is the back of their heads.
The square that I have drawn on will be where the album's songs will go, I will use the same font as the front cover but at a much smaller size, I will hopefully use the same colour.

Here is my second sketch for the front cover of my CD, in this sketch all the band members are standing in different places all pulling different poses and facial expressions. The background colour will be a dark colour, with a light falling on each band member to make them stand out.
There will be a ripped effect across the CD cover, the title and subtitle will then be placed on the ripped part of the CD cover.
The title and sub title will be a colour that contrasts off the background, in a clear, bold font.
Here is the second sketch for the back cover of the CD, this is a simple design will have one block colour for a background and the ripped effect going across the CD cover, the rest of the songs on teh album will then be placed on the ripped part of the CD.
Here is my third CD cover sketchm, in this design all the band members are standing together looking at the camera, the main singer is holding the guitar. There will be a light facing down toward the camera, making that the main focus of the photograph.
Dark background colour, band members will fade into the background with the guitar being seen the most
Title and sub titile possibly red to contrast well with the background colour.
Here is my third sketch for the back of my CD cover, the sketch is simple, a plain colour for the background, I have drawn a sketch and inside the sketch will be the songs in the album, the second square is where I am going to place a graffiti design behind the text to make the back cover look interesting.
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