Here is my first cd front cover sketch here all the band members are directly facing the camera making eye contact with the viewer breaking down the fourth wall with the viewer. As there is a female in teh band she has been placed in the middle to make the photograph look even.
The background is going to be a dark colour possibly black, with a light shining on the band memebers making them the centre of attention.
The title and sub title will be a colour that is quite bright as it needs to contrast well with the background. The font also needs to be clear, bold and stand out to the audience, but also follow the genre of the band.
Here is the back of the CD cover sketch, here I have placed the band memebers in the exact same place as the front cover but this time all you can see is the back of their heads.
The square that I have drawn on will be where the album's songs will go, I will use the same font as the front cover but at a much smaller size, I will hopefully use the same colour.

Here is my second sketch for the front cover of my CD, in this sketch all the band members are standing in different places all pulling different poses and facial expressions. The background colour will be a dark colour, with a light falling on each band member to make them stand out.
There will be a ripped effect across the CD cover, the title and subtitle will then be placed on the ripped part of the CD cover.
The title and sub title will be a colour that contrasts off the background, in a clear, bold font.
Here is the second sketch for the back cover of the CD, this is a simple design will have one block colour for a background and the ripped effect going across the CD cover, the rest of the songs on teh album will then be placed on the ripped part of the CD.
Here is my third CD cover sketchm, in this design all the band members are standing together looking at the camera, the main singer is holding the guitar. There will be a light facing down toward the camera, making that the main focus of the photograph.
Dark background colour, band members will fade into the background with the guitar being seen the most
Title and sub titile possibly red to contrast well with the background colour.
Here is my third sketch for the back of my CD cover, the sketch is simple, a plain colour for the background, I have drawn a sketch and inside the sketch will be the songs in the album, the second square is where I am going to place a graffiti design behind the text to make the back cover look interesting.
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